Why is speed dating the best way to make a romantic connection?
Up-To-Date speed dating events are designed to facilitate the dating networking process, making it simple, easy and straightforward to make new connections. You will have the opportunity to meet with several potential romantic matches at our two hour events and reciprocated romantic interest is clear when you receive your dating results. First dates take time, money and emotional investment. Speed dates offer a brief introduction to someone new without the struggles of correspondence and scheduling. This "snapshot" provides you far more information than any online dating platform can offer, as an in-person interaction of a few minutes is often enough to learn if both parties are interested in pursuing something more!
What are Up-To-Date speed dating events like?
Up-To-Date speed dating events have a festive feel to them! You'll enjoy music, an elegant space and, of course, you will be participating in several "mini-dates". You will be provided with a form upon checking-in and, after each short date, you will be able to indicate if you wish to pursue a friendship or romantic connection. If there is mutual interest, your preferred methods of contact will be release to both parties following the event. You may choose to share your email and/or phone number. Many participants tell us they enjoy the structure of our events.
I have never attended a speed dating event. Is it normal to feel nervous?
Most participants are new to this experience and have bravely taken a step out of their comfort zone. For that reason, there is a solidarity amongst all the attendees, as everyone is experiencing a bit of the jitters, as well as excitement. Participants often say that they feel much more relaxed after their first "mini-date" of the evening and then settle into the flow of things, enjoying a wonderful time!
How long are the dates?
The mini-dates are typically between 5 to 8 minutes long.
Are there equal numbers of women and men at these events?
Yes, Up-To-Date seeks to have an exact or nearly exact number of men and women at all events.
What is the age range of those attending?
Many Up-To-Date speed dating events welcome all adult ages to participate. Other events aim to bring together certain age brackets. The event poster indicates when this is the case.
What do I wear to an Up-To-Date speed dating event?
It's always a good idea to put your best foot forward on a first date, so consider putting together a look that makes you feel comfortable and confident. A collared shirt is a classic, polished look for men and a stylish, well-fitted ensemble is recommended for women.
Have there been successful romantic matches in your events?
Absolutely! There are many Up-To-Date success stories. Many long-lasting couples have been brought together through these events. Many friendships have also blossomed as a result of Up-To-Date gatherings.
How frequently are speed dating events held?
Up-To-Date speed dating events are held each month in the Greater Victoria area.